Leading to the celebration… part 2

Did I sleep the night before… not really. My brother, sister-in-law, the man and I ended chatting and drinking… and chatting and drinking… and some biscuits. This time the biscuits were just for me. I didn’t take a photo, sorry…

The morning was bright and early.

Jacques-Cartier Bridge

We had to go to my hometown Drummondville, to get my dad suited up at Moors.

The service we got from Simon Brière was impeccable. Everything was organised from London and he accommodated us to ensure the process was smooth and easy. Merci Simon!

Dad getting suited up

With my mom and dad, we stopped by the famous Roy Jucep for breakfast. Apparently, this is where the first poutine was created. Although many other towns are claiming the same… For those of you that do not know what poutine is think about fries with gravy and curd cheese. Unexpectedly yummy, take my word for it. For me the most important ingredient is the kurd cheese which I cannot find in London sadly. It has to be fresh and done right. This dish is so ingrained in the Québec culture that we even have a festival for it!

Obviously the boy HAD to have one even if it was still breakfast time. Vive la Poutine!

The boy eating poutine

As soon as we sorted out things in Drummondville, we hit the road again as I needed to be back in Montreal to meet the girlfriends and get our nails done. We went to Rouge Nail Bar on Crescent street where I was hoping to rest a bit. My energy levels were really dropping. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to rest as much as I wished for. I ended up getting the grumpy lady. Oh dear… She was huffing and puffing for no apparent reason but who knows what was going through her mind. The right thing to do was to not engage. Shortly after a misunderstanding about how she was giving the service, the manager replaced her for a much nicer person. Go with the flow!

While I was being pampered, the man and the boy were going to spend some time with grandma and grandpa that came over from Ireland. We all met again later in the afternoon at a restaurant on St-Denis street called Cinko .

Cinko restaurant.

Unassuming, eclectic and every meal is at 5$ unless you choose the add-on. There was a great vibe, perfect place to wait for a dear friend of ours to join us. She generously offered to bring the boy to a musical. Not any musical, she was going to treat him by bringing see the Mary Poppins musical at the St-Denis theatre!. How lucky was he!


We had an excited boy! The show was in French but who cares as the boy knows all the songs and stories by heart. Off they went…

Leaving for Mary Poppins the musical

That afternoon other friends of ours were flying in from France and we decided to meet and go for sushi. I was soooooo jet lag and tired but the pure excitement of being in Montreal kept me going. The idea was to stay awake while we we wait for the boy.

Little did we know we would have one of the most comical service ever. The sushi place is an all you can eat type. You pay a standard fee and you order as much sushi as you want. Very simple, in theory. In reality, we got something else. First, the menu. They list out a bunch of sushi, makis, rolls, etc and some of them only have names, like dragon or rainbow without indication of what they are. Secondly, the language. One waiter only spoke in French. The other waiter only spoke English. Talk about being lost in translation. Thirdly, the service. They would shoved the plates on the table without any explanation of what was what. The plates were pilling up and no one would come and clear them. When they did, they took the ones that we were still eating from. It was so nonsensical that it was excessively hilarious. I don’t know if being jet lag add something to do with it but the farcical side of it made this evening the most enjoyable. We laughed so much. Go with the flow!

Selfie at the sushi

It was now time go collect the boy. I couldn’t stay up any longer. I really needed to put my head on a pillow. It was 1am by the time we arrived back at my brother’s. I am sure he was happy that we arrived late so he could rest from this chatting and drinking thingy 🙂

The next morning was pretty busy packing up as we were leaving for the Ripplecove. The celebration is just two days away!

Previous: Leading up to the celebration… part 1
Next up: Leading up to the celebration… part 3

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